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The Family CARE Portfolio

The Family CARE Portfolio is a tool designed to support pregnant and postpartum women and families with high social risk for poor family outcomes, such as families at risk for or experiencing substance use issues.

The goal of a Family CARE Portfolio is to strengthen the family, help mothers have a healthy pregnancy, and keep child(ren) safely at home. By utilizing this tool, families have an organized way to help them demonstrate and communicate their strengths, needs, and accomplishments.

Who should be involved?

A Family CARE Portfolio should be developed with the mother and family in coordination with all of the service providers involved in the care of the mother, her child(ren), and family. Anyone can introduce the Family CARE Portfolio to a family.

Target Populations

The Family CARE Portfolio was initially designed to support pregnant women and families at risk for or with a substance use issue. During our pilot, we recognized that it is also helpful for pregnant women and families with complex social needs such as those who have experienced:

  • current or previous involvement with child welfare
  • homelessness
  • incarceration
  • domestic violence
Providers are encouraged to use the tool with any family they feel could benefit.


To assist organizations and providers who work with vulnerable pregnant women and families, we have created a series of training videos and downloadable resources to help get started.

All training materials are available on the Texas Pediatric Brain Health Intiative Network.

NOTE: To access the training, you will be asked to register for the network. We only use this information for training purposes. We will occasionally contact network members about other training opportunities. You can op-out of these emails by clicking:

Profile>Your Settings>Notifications then turn off receive emails.

Description of Training Modules

Core Training Modules

Module 1: Family CARE Portfolio Overview

This training module provides an overview of the Family CARE Portfolio including why it was developed and who it is for. This training video is 12 minutes long and it is recommended that all staff members involved with providing, supervising, or interacting with families using the Family CARE Portfolio watch this video.

Module 2: Family CARE Portfolio Document Overview

This training dives into each section of the Family CARE Portfolio and the documents and resources provided. This training video is 26 minutes long and is recommended for staff and providers introducing and/or updating the Family CARE Portfolio.

Module 3: Family CARE Portfolio Implementation

This training module covers the basics for implementing the Family CARE Portfolio in your setting, including important questions to help support successful implementation. This video is 9 minutes long. We recommend program supervisors and administrators watch this training prior to implementation and again as your program moves through the stages of implementation.

Helpful Resource Videos

Introducing Family CARE Portfolio to a Client

This video demonstrates how to introduce the Family CARE Portfolio to a client for the first time. The video is 18 minutes long and is recommended for anyone introducing the Family CARE Portfolio to a family or who wants to learn more about how this can be done. Note: Introductions of the Family CARE Portfolio tool can vary across programs depending on the time allotted and individual family needs.

Demystifying Child Protective Service Investigations

The goal of this video is to help providers feel better prepared and informed about the child welfare investigation process in Texas, so that they feel more comfortable talking to and supporting families who may become involved in a child protective investigation. This video is 17 minutes long and is recommended for anyone working with families who are or may become involved with child welfare.


For more information or to request portfolios, brochures, training, or technical assistance – please email [email protected].